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Tullaghmore Wind Farm
Public Consultation Webinars

The Tullaghmore project design team have hosted 3 Tullaghmore project specific design webinars to date. These Project Webinars detail elements of the project’s design at various stages. Members of the project design team conversed on aspects of the project proposal and its design process with members of the local community and any interested stakeholders who wished to join.

Please click on the various tabs below to rewatch any of the Tullaghmore Design Webinars.


As part of our proposed Tullaghmore project's community consultation campaign, a third Project Design Webinar was hosted at 7pm on Tuesday the 12th of July 2022 in order to engage with interested stakeholders. The webinar can be viewed by clicking the below tab marked ''View 12/07/2022 Webinar - Design Iteration 3''.







A second Project Design Webinar was hosted at 7pm on Thursday 16th of December 2021 in order to discuss the project's Design Iteration 1 with interested stakeholders. The webinar can be viewed by clicking the below tab marked View 16/12/2021 Webinar - Design Iteration 2 

















Our project interactive Webinars are designed to detail elements of the proposed project’s design at specific stages in order to generate conversation and opinion. Also, on all our project webinars, members of the project design team are available to talk through any aspect of the project proposal which you would like to discuss further or ask specific questions on.

As part of our proposed Tullaghmore project's community consultation campaign, an initial community Webinar was hosted at 7pm on Thursday 3rd of June 2021 in order to engage with interested stakeholders. The webinar can be viewed by clicking the below tab marked View 03/06/2021 Webinar - Design Iteration 1 

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